Guard, fourth2010
..she works with a system of rules in which the characteristics of the materials selected decisively co-determine the appearance of her art. Randomness is allowed to intervene, is meant to rebel, and even more: it is meant to rebel against the dogmatic assertion of the definitive and image or body. ... more
Image Gallery +Guard, fourth2010
..she works with a system of rules in which the characteristics of the materials selected decisively co-determine the appearance of her art. Randomness is allowed to intervene, is meant to rebel, and even more: it is meant to rebel against the dogmatic assertion of the definitive and image or body. Heated at a high temperature, the thin synthetic membrane (in Wächter/Guard) contracts, becomes malleable and still follows a seemingly muscular movement that pursues its own dictates. Pigmented glue flows out onto the surface, tenuously seeking contact with the ground, and caricatures a pedestal. A satire on sculpture? – Most certainly. Und a declaration of love for art, a “Capriccio” playfully putting pressure on its genres..
Text Isabel Zürcher
Translation Barbara Heck

Vierter Wächter |2010 |Schrumpffolie, Acryl, Leim |210 x 125 x 150 cm [H W D]

Vierter Wächter, Detail |2010 |Schrumpffolie, Acryl, Leim